That's me. Writer's Block. I capitalize both words because I think it is something to be feared and respected.
Tomorrow I have a ten page treatment for a feature length film due. I've got my idea (thanks Dad!) and I've got my beginning and ending. Turns out, however, the middle is HARD! It's so easy to say, "and then a bunch of stuff happens and in the end, they are together!" but writing that "stuff" has turned into a chore, and a near impossible one at that.

If anyone has a remedy for Writer's Block, for the love of everything holy tell me PLEASE! My frustration could easily escalate to dangerous levels*.
*see the crazy eye!

Butt in chair, hands on keyboard. That is the remedy. :D
ReplyDeleteCan you raise the level of your characters' conflict? Add to it? Twist it in some weird, bizarre way and have it contribute to the ending?
Maybe introduce a new character that will affect your protagonist in such a way that will help propel them toward your ending.
I want to know what your idea is! Do you have gmail or something so I can bother you?