Monday, January 25, 2010


So friends, here's the deal: I want to be a teacher.

I'm obviously in it for the money. Hey, don't judge me! No one frowns on a doctor* but honestly who REALLY wants to sit around looking in people's mouths and then telling them to drink orange juice and charging them for that? Sounds grueling.

This decision was made in installments. When I was little I liked to play school and I loved being the teacher. I wanted to be an actress more, though, so I didn't recognize the early signs.

Then in high school I graded my mom's papers. (hope that's not against the rules and someone is reading this that will punish her for it. Because my blog is super popular with my mom's co-workers...) I thought I was in it for the money but maybe I found a sick pleasure in using a red pen.

Then, last semester I took the prep class for Hands on a Camera (this awesome program where we as college students go to high schools and teach them about documentary making and film making and storytelling) and we learned about teaching.

Now this semester I am participating in Hands on a Camera and once a week I teach high school-ers which is so rewarding because they actually like this subject. AND I mentor a kindergarten-er on Fridays and we work on our alphabet AND I'm taking the prep class to be a TA for intro to film and in that class we actually teach a college class once or twice a week. So even if I didn't think I wanted to it seems that I am drawn to teaching.

Now the concern is: I have (or WILL have next April) my bachelor's in Media Arts. So how do I go about becoming a teacher? Anyone? Grad school? Certification programs? Do career counselors know this stuff? Anyone, anyone? Bueller?

*disclaimer: doctors are hard-working, well-educated people. I'm not hating. Heck, I plan on marrying one. I'm not stupid, I know what a high school teacher makes.

1 comment:

  1. don't marry a doctor, they have horrible hours. go for a ceo or lawyer.
